
General rules for labeling of prepackaged foods GB 7718-2011

Column:Company News Time:2014-08-28
General rules for labeling of prepackaged foods GB 7718-2011

General rules for labeling of prepackaged foods GB 7718-2011

This standard replaces GB 7718-2004 "General Rules for Labeling of Prepackaged Foods".

Compared with GB 7718-2004, the main changes of this standard are as follows:

—— Modified the scope of application;

——The definitions of prepackaged food and production date were revised, the definition of specifications was added, and the definition of shelf life was cancelled;

—— Modified the labeling method of food additives;

——Increase the specification marking method;

——The name, address and contact information of producers and distributors have been modified;

——The maximum table of the packaging or packaging container when the height of the text, symbols and numbers of the mandatory content is not less than 1.8mm

Surface area

——Added the recommended labeling requirements when food may contain allergenic substances;

—— Modified the calculation method of the maximum surface area in Appendix A;

-Added Appendix B and Appendix C.

GB 7718-2011 is one of the national standards for food labeling series, and the corresponding national standards are:

GB 10344-2005 "General Rules for Labeling of Pre-packaged Drinks and Wines" (replaces GB 10344-1989);

GB 13432-2004 "General Rules for Labeling of Pre-packaged Special Dietary Foods" (replaces GB13432-1992).

1 Scope

This standard applies to prepackaged food labels provided directly to consumers and prepackaged food labels not directly provided to consumers.

This standard does not apply to food storage and transportation packaging labels, bulk food, and ready-made cash that provide protection for pre-packaged food during storage and transportation.

Logo for selling food.

2 Terms and definitions

2.1 Prepackaged food

Food that is pre-quantified or prepared in packaging materials and containers, including pre-quantified packaging and pre-quantified in packaging materials

Foods in materials and containers and with uniform quality or volume identification within a certain limit of quantification.

2.2 Food label

The text, graphics, symbols and all instructions on the food packaging.

2.3 Ingredients

Any substance used in the manufacture or processing of food and present (including in modified form) in the product, including food additives


2.4 Production date (manufacturing date)

The date when the food becomes the final product, and also includes the packaging or filling date, that is, the food is filled (filled) in the packaging or container to form

The date of the last sales unit.

2.5 Shelf life

The period of time for pre-packaged food to maintain quality under the storage conditions specified on the label. Within this period, the product is fully suitable for sale and remains

Unique qualities that need not be stated or have been stated on the label.

2.6 Specifications

When there are multiple pieces of pre-packaged food in the same pre-package, the relationship between the net content and the number of contained pieces is expressed.

2.7 Main display layout

Plates that can be easily observed on pre-packaged food packaging or packaging containers.

3 Basic requirements

3.1 It shall comply with the provisions of laws and regulations and the provisions of corresponding food safety standards.

3.2 It should be clear, eye-catching and long-lasting, and should be easy for consumers to identify and read when purchasing.

3.3 It should be easy to understand and have a scientific basis, and must not label feudal superstition, pornography, depreciation of other foods or content that violates the common knowledge of nutrition science.

3.4 It shall be true and accurate, and shall not introduce food in the form of false, exaggerated, misleading or deceptive words or graphics, nor shall it be allowed

Use size or color differences to mislead consumers.

3.5 Should not directly or in an implied language, graphics, symbols, mislead consumers to buy food or a certain nature of food and another product


3.6 Contents that have the effect of preventing or treating diseases should not be marked or implied, and non-health foods should not express or imply that they have health effects.

3.7 It should not be separated from food or its packaging (containers).

3.8 Standard Chinese characters (except trademarks) should be used. Various artistic words with decorative effects should be written correctly and easy to recognize.

3.8.1 Pinyin or minority characters can be used at the same time. Pinyin should not be greater than the corresponding Chinese characters.

3.8.2 Foreign languages can be used at the same time, but they should have a corresponding relationship with Chinese (trademark, manufacturer and address of imported food, name of foreign distributor

(Except name and address, website). All foreign languages must not be larger than the corresponding Chinese characters (except trademarks).

3.9 When the maximum surface area of pre-packaged food packaging or packaging containers is greater than 35cm2 (see Appendix A for the calculation method of the maximum surface area), strong

The height of the text, symbols, and numbers of the marked content shall not be less than 1.8mm.

3.10 The packaging of a sales unit contains different varieties of food that can be sold individually in multiple packages. The food label of each individual package

It should be marked separately.

3.11 If the outer packaging is easy to open for identification or through the outer packaging, it is possible to clearly identify all mandatory labeling contents or parts on the inner packaging (container)

Sub-compulsory labeling content, you can not repeat the corresponding content on the outer packaging; otherwise, you should mark all the mandatory labels on the outer packaging as required

示內(nèi)容。 Show content.

4 Mark content

4.1 Pre-packaged food label content provided directly to consumers

4.1.1 General requirements

The labeling of pre-packaged food provided directly to consumers should include the name of the food, the list of ingredients, the net content and specifications, the producer and

(Or) The distributor's name, address and contact information, production date and shelf life, storage conditions, food production license number, product label

Quasi code and other content that need to be marked.

4.1.2 Food name The special name that reflects the true nature of the food should be clearly marked in a prominent position on the food label. When one or several names of a food have been specified in national standards, industry standards or local standards, one of them should be selected

, Or equivalent names. When there is no name stipulated by national standards, industry standards or local standards, the common names or consumers’ misunderstanding or confusion should be used.

Popular name. Mark "new name", "fancy name", "transliteration name", "brand name", "regional slang name" or "trademark"

"Name", the name specified in shall be marked on the same display page as the name shown. When "new name", "fancy name", "transliteration name", "brand name", "regional slang name" or "trademark"

"Name" contains words or terms (words) that are confusing to misunderstand the attributes of food, it should be used in the vicinity of the same display layout of the name shown

The same name indicates the special name of the true attribute of the food. When the special name of the real attribute of the food is misleading due to the difference in font size or font color, the same font size should also be used

And the special name of the same font color to indicate the real attribute of the food. In order not to misunderstand or confuse the true nature, physical state or preparation method of food, the name of the food or the name of the food

Append the corresponding word or phrase. Such as dried, concentrated, reconstituted, smoked, fried, powdered, granular, etc.

4.1.3 List of ingredients The label of the pre-packaged food shall be marked with the ingredient list. The various ingredients in the ingredient list shall be marked with specific names according to the requirements of 4.1.2.

The additives are labeled according to the requirements of The ingredient list should use "ingredients" or "ingredient lists" as the leading words. When the raw materials used in the process have been changed to other ingredients (such as

Wine, soy sauce, vinegar and other fermented products), "raw materials" or "raw materials and auxiliary materials" can be used instead of "ingredients" and "ingredients table"

The requirements of the corresponding clauses of the standard indicate various raw materials, auxiliary materials and food additives. Processing aids do not need to be marked. The various ingredients should be arranged in descending order of the amount added when manufacturing or processing food; ingredients with an amount not exceeding 2% may not

Sort in descending order. If a certain ingredient is a compound ingredient composed of two or more other ingredients (excluding compound food additives), it should be

Mark the name of the compound ingredients in the ingredient list, and then mark the original ingredients of the compound ingredients in parentheses in decreasing order of the added amount. When

There is no national standard, industry standard or local standard for a variety of compound ingredients, and when the added amount is less than 25% of the total food, there is no need to mark the compound

The original ingredients of the ingredients. Food additives shall be marked with the common name of food additives in GB 2760. The general name of food additives can be marked as

The specific name of the food additive can also be marked as the name of the functional category of the food additive and also the specific name or country of the food additive

International code (INS number) (see Appendix B for the labeling format). On the label of the same pre-packaged food, one of the forms indicated in Appendix B should be selected

Food additives. When the name of the functional category of the food additive and the international code are used at the same time, if a food additive is not yet

There is a corresponding international code, or because of the need for the marking of allergenic substances, the specific name can be marked. The name of the food additive does not include its preparation

law. Food additives contained in compound ingredients with an amount of less than 25% of the total food, if they comply with the bring-in principles specified in GB 2760 and are in the most

If it does not play a role in the final product, it does not need to be marked. During food manufacturing or processing, the added water should be indicated in the ingredient list. Water or other volatilized during processing

Sex ingredients do not need to be marked. The edible packaging should also be marked with the original ingredients in the ingredient list, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations of the country. The following food ingredients can be selected as shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Marking method of ingredients

Ingredient category

Marking method

Various vegetable oils or refined vegetable oils, excluding olive oil

"Vegetable oil" or "refined vegetable oil"; if hydrogenated, it should be marked as "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated"

Various starches, excluding chemically modified starch


All kinds of spices or spice extracts (single or total) added in an amount not exceeding 2%

"Spices", "Spices" or "Composite Spices"

Various gum-based substance preparations for gum-based confectionery

"Jummose Base", "Gum Base"

Candied fruits of various preserved fruits with an amount not exceeding 10%

"Candied fruit" and "preserved fruit"

Food flavors and spices

"Edible flavor", "edible flavor", "edible flavor and flavor"

4.1.4 Quantitative labeling of ingredients If there is special emphasis on the addition or inclusion of one or more valuable and characteristic ingredients or ingredients on the food label or food instructions

Points should indicate the added amount of the emphasized ingredients or ingredients or the content in the finished product. If the content of one or more ingredients or ingredients is specifically emphasized on the label of the food is low or none, the emphasized ingredients or ingredients shall be indicated

The content in the finished product. An ingredient or ingredient mentioned in the food name without special emphasis on the label, there is no need to indicate the addition of the ingredient or ingredient

Quantity or content in the finished product.

4.1.5 Net content and specifications The indication of net content shall consist of net content, numbers and legal units of measurement (see Appendix C for the indication format). The net content of the food in the packaging (container) shall be marked according to the legal measurement unit in the following form:

a) For liquid food, use volume liter (L) (l), milliliter (mL) (ml), or mass gram (g), kilogram (kg);

b) For solid food, use mass grams (g) and kilograms (kg);

c) For semi-solid or sticky food, use mass gram (g), kilogram (kg) or volume liter (L) (l), milliliter (mL) (ml). The unit of measurement of net content shall be marked according to Table 2.

Table 2 Marking method of net content measurement unit

Measurement method

Net content (Q) range

unit of measurement


Q <1000 mL Q ≥ 1000 mL

Milliliter (mL) (ml) Liter (L) (1)


Q <1000 g

Q ≥ 1000 g

Gram (g) Kilogram (kg) The minimum height of the characters of net content shall meet the requirements of Table 3.

Table 3 The minimum height of net content characters

Net content (Q) range

Character height


Q ≤ 50 mL; Q ≤ 50g


50 mL <Q ≤ 200 mL; 50 g <Q ≤ 200g


200 mL <Q ≤ 1L; 200 g <Q ≤ l kg


Q> l kg; Q>1 L

6 The net content shall be indicated on the same display page of the packaging or container as the name of the food. The food containing solid and liquid two-phase substances in the container, and the solid phase substance is the main food ingredient, in addition to the marked net content,

The content of the drained matter (solid matter) is indicated in the form of quantity or mass fraction (see Appendix C for the marked form). When there are multiple single pieces of pre-packaged food in the same pre-package, the large package shall also be marked with the specification while indicating the net content. The labeling of specifications shall consist of the net content and number of single pieces of pre-packaged food, or only the number of pieces, and the word "specification" may not be marked. single

The specification of a piece of pre-packaged food refers to the net content (see Appendix C for the labeling format).

4.1.6 Name, address and contact information of producer and distributor The name, address and contact information of the producer should be marked. The name and address of the producer should be legally registered and able to bear the property

The name and address of the producer responsible for product safety and quality. In one of the following situations, it shall be marked according to the following requirements. Group companies and subsidiaries of group companies that independently bear legal responsibility according to law shall indicate their respective names and addresses. The branch of a group company or the production base of a group company that cannot independently assume legal responsibility according to law shall be marked with the group company and the branch

The name and address of the company (production base); or only the name, address and place of origin of the group company, which should be marked according to the administrative division

To prefecture-level regions. If entrusted by other units to process pre-packaged food, the name and address of the entrusted unit and the entrusted unit shall be indicated; or only

The name, address and place of origin of the entrusted unit shall be marked to the prefecture-level region in accordance with the administrative division. The contact information of the producer or distributor who bears legal responsibility according to law shall be marked with at least one of the following: telephone, fax, Internet connection

Department, etc., or the postal address marked with the address. Imported pre-packaged food should be marked with the country of origin or regional name (eg Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan), and registered in China

The name, address and contact information of the agents, importers or distributors of the register may not indicate the name, address and contact information of the producer.

4.1.7 Date marking The production date and warranty of prepackaged food should be clearly marked

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